Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Blessings in a Bag

Last week in my Yoga & Art class we did some "thankful yoga." We discussed what blessings are and what it means to be thankful for the things we have in our lives. To better help them understand the numerous blessings they all have in their lives, we did an art project called "blessings in a bag." Each child was given a brown paper lunch bag to decorate and some small pieces of construction paper which we called our "blessing cards". On each blessing card we wrote down one blessing on one side and drew a picture of that blessing on the other. The blessing cards are then put inside the blessing bag. It was wonderful to see how many different blessings each child could think of and how excited they were to name as many as they could. After the project was complete we talked a bit about what the kids could do with their blessing bags in the future: They can continue to create new blessing cards each day as they think of something else to be thankful for, they can share their blessing cards with their family, they can take their cards out of the bag and literally count their blessings to remind themselves that they have so much to be thankful for!

This simple project is a great way to teach children about thankfulness and to remind them of all that they have in their lives. This is something that you can do with your children at home at any time. With thanksgiving coming up now is the perfect opportunity!

1 comment:

Young Yoga Masters said...

Great idea, I'm going to try that. We had Thanksgiving a few weeks ago in Canada. My nephew said that when we go around the dinner table and each person says what they're thankful for - that's his favorite part.

I think I may create a blessing bag for us to remember those.